Are You A Fit?

RSF is deliberate with our intentions as it pertains to bringing on new clients. We view the initial process of becoming a client of RSF (akin to dating), as the foundation of creating a solid relationship. You might consider this process’ end in mind similar to the vow of marriage. A marriage proposal that arrives on the first date puts the couple at some insurmountable risks. By moving slowly it helps both parties bring clarity to the forefront as a new relationship is formed and doubt is all but removed.

A potential new client of RSF is required to first go through what we call a “mutual fit process.” That process involves some very deep and meaningful conversations about the past, future goals, values and concerns that might be keeping our potential client up at night. Our end in mind is to collectively be deliberate and transparent in our efforts of developing mutual trust. We know when trust takes root, the beginnings of a long term relationship begins to thrive and concerns become needless nuisances.

As a new client, you will want to become what we characterize as an “ideal client of RSF.” What are those characteristics you may ask?

  • Small Town Networks – Most to all of our client-friends grew up in or near a small town or live in or near one now. RSF has learned “small town values” are an integral part of our DNA as well. A client with small town values seems to sync much better with RSF. Over the past 20 years, 90%+ of our new clients came to us from an existing client or professional relationship.
  • Team Model – Client-friends are open and willing to receive perspective and help from more than one member of our team. We believe “two heads are better than one” and this helps us avoid our own individual biases and blind spots. It also provides clients another trusted point of contact in case one of our team members is unavailable for an extended period of time.
  • Win-Win – A frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefits in all human interactions. Win-win means fee agreements, communication, expectations and so forth are mutually beneficial and satisfying to all parties involved. We believe life and long term client-friend relationships are not a zero-sum game.