What makes your firm different than the others?

  • Independent and 100% owned by members of our team.
  • We invest in the same discretionary models that our clients’ do, and we’re open to sharing “our own stuff” with you. We also embrace and welcome the use of passive/index investment offerings.
  • We are compensated via a flat retainer fee model versus the traditional “assets under management” fee method (i.e. 1%).
  • We are multigenerational financial planners.
  • We operate a profitable small business that chooses to work with a chosen few…..or as our founder Joel stated “we have only so many stalls in our barn.”

What’s a fiduciary?

A fiduciary is simply someone who represents your interests, even above their own interests. We are required to act with undivided loyalty to you as our client. This includes disclosure of how we are compensated and any corresponding conflicts of interest. The suitability standard means a broker need only suggest products that are suitable for your objectives and no disclosure is required for possible conflicts of interest. The introduction of compensation by commission also introduces a conflict with acting in your best interest first and foremost.

How is your group compensated?

Our group is compensated by our clients via a flat retainer fee. For all of our clients, our group’s compensation is transparent on their statements. To learn more about our group’s reasoning behind a flat retainer fee, please click the following link: http://www.rewaldsebranekfrawley.com/blog/makes-rsf-unique-2/

Who’s an ideal client?

Click here to see our ideal client profile.

Am I qualified to become a client of Rewald, Sebranek & Frawley?

Most to all of our clients come to us on a referral basis. For a new client that is not connected to one of our client families, we find charging less than $7,500 a year isn’t profitable for the services we provide. Nevertheless and especially if you have been introduced by a client-friend, we strive to help you get on a reasonable and suitable track, even if you’re not a fit for our group.

Our clients typically enjoy healthy household incomes and have a net worth greater than $1 million. However, we welcome and enjoy working with younger ‘next generation’ clients who do not yet meet these thresholds but are on the path to reach them in the near future.

If I become a client of RSF, with whom will I work?

You will work with all of us – a team of individuals – not just one advisor. Each one of our team members/partners has unique skills and qualities that allow us to add value to our client’s life. Multiple individuals working interdependently greatly outperforms those performing independently.

Do you work with clients outside Southwest Wisconsin?

Most clients began working with us because they lived in Southwest Wisconsin at one time, they were referred to us by an existing client, or we were introduced by a CPA/attorney living in our area. We have been able to maintain many good relationships with clients who have moved from the area, albeit to retire or as part of a job change. Our “out of state” clients can count on routine email communication, telephone and videoconference calls and usually one face to face meeting every year.*

Do you select the individual securities that make up my portfolio?

Yes. Our group manages discretionary investment models that each of our clients are invested in based upon their unique set of circumstances. We select managers who we’ve identified to have the best fit and strategy within their asset classes, whether it’s stocks, bonds or alternative investments. These managers are independently and objectively selected and compared to the appropriate benchmarks. Furthermore, we also embrace index and passive management styles in our investment offerings. To learn more about our group’s reasoning behind using index/passive management, please click the following link: http://www.rewaldsebranekfrawley.com/blog/makes-rsf-unique/

Will I have to sell all of my current investments and aggregate everything to work with you?

We encourage and in most cases require consolidation for our new clients. There are always exceptions like the stock that grandpa gave you when you were 3 years old, possible surrender charges, major tax implications or a unique investment offering that you have elsewhere that we are unable to offer (i.e. employer stock, fixed guaranteed insurance bucket, etc.). We’ve found through experience that one financial planning group that knows your whole situation is better than ‘diversifying’ your investments across multiple advisors where “the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.” We’re very deliberate with our transitions and onboarding of new clients and sometimes it takes weeks or – in the case of surrender charges – years to get all of your assets into our portfolios, but our end in mind from the beginning is simplification and consolidation. If a client is going to have investments located outside our office, it is imperative that they are listed on their Commonwealth online access and are updated at least annually.